The daring to choose itself ... even when the heart whispers something else.Have you ever been standing at a crossroads in life where your heart desired to lead you in the direction of something special that filled so much inside you that it almost wasn't to wear-a special person who suddenly had crossed your path, but while it did another part of you that you had to only choose yourself, right now at this very moment?I have, it says I'm just right now, at this juncture-between two fantastic opportunities both of which leads me to a place where a small seed inside me can grow and grow. I took a big decision for me for quite a short time ago to Sun life on deck the past and old patterns behind me, find a completely blank page and start to write a new and very special chapter in my life-it should be called;To select myself to in my life.I have long thought of travelling away for a longer period of time, explore the world and soak up all the wonderful impression to me as the world has to offer. The first time I was only about 19 and had just ended a relationship, a very painful time filled with feelings of guilt, failure and frustration. I sat much and was just in my own world as the desire to travel showed up, when I look back in the day this was probably most of all an expression of sticking by, an escape from my reality and the feelings inside me, which ached. I had ordered all possible material and the destination was set against Australia. I would find a job down there and earn money for the day and the road as time went on. I did me many considerations and a big part of me was ready to book the ticket and just "fly off" towards the unknown, another part of me was, however, quite different, here hid fear and anxiety for all the dark and my bad self esteem came really to expression and ended up also with to let this travel slide out in the sand, as just another dream that never became reality.Many times after that I dreamed about travel, exotic places and the possibility of a huge experience and maybe even a new life to a new location, these were, however, also always just by dagdrømmene and to the short charter vacations with family and friends-travel I could foresee and where it is not included a lot of uncertain factors which could get my anxiety gejlet up. It wasn't fear that got in the wayso I found quite simply just another excuse I could cluster me firmly to, it could be a girlfriend, a job, an education, or otherwise something that I could use to tell myself that right now, probably was not the right time and I was "forced" to defer the dream once again.Soon 12 years later after many turbulent years of wrecked relationship, work with myself, the loss of several who stood me very closely and a whole lot of other emotional health experiences and challenges on good and evil, I sat now for myself at Christmas with family, yet a relationship 2014 was just finishing after 12 months and I sat with a fervently desire that my life now is supposed to be different from the day of! No more negative thoughts about myself, no more drama, no more pain, no more relationship where I chose myself from to select another to, now I wouldn't create challenges for myself anymore but instead opportunities, I would give myself the space to be able to flourish and follow my heart-now was my time has come! The voice in my mind was for many years had been neglected and ignored, instead had all been heard and responded to the needs of others-others had always been more important than myself, one thing I've got in the baggage from my childhood and my parents ' actions and the way they lived their lives on. But now I had so had enough of my own behaviour and taken the spoon in the other hand.This time mærkedes also quickly quite differently, this time I could feel in my whole body to this decision manifested itself-I had now truly, for the first time in life chosen myself in my own life-and it felt great! A decision was taken and beaten fast with 7 inch nail, a new beginning awaited me just around the corner and my life would be quite different, from now on I knew. I noticed in myself day by day how the strength, determination, self esteem and not least confidence within me grew tremendously as I confirmed myself more and more in that this was the right decision for me. Now it was real, now should I on my journey, the time was now, and the time was right. All doubt was manet to the ground and replaced with faith, hope, and a through striking willpower which flourished in my home.To be continued ...
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