De indiske folk en kærlighed og respektere deres familier og arbejde så hårdt for at få mad på bordet. Og her er mig, købe alle disse tøj, discesperting min familie og bare være virkelig egoistisk. Det gjorde mig til at se tilbage og græder.
The Indian people a love and respect their families and work so hard to put food on the table. And here is me, buy all these clothes, discesperting my family and just be really selfish. It made me look back and cry.
The Indian people love and respect their families and work so hard to put food on the table. And here's me buy all these clothes, disc esper things my family and just being really selfish. It made me look back and cry.
the indian people a love and respect their families and work so hard to put food on the table. and here's me, buy all these clothes, discesperting my family and just be really selfish. it made me to look back and cry.