FROM REV. SISTER MARY PALMERSorry for my late response, we just arrive การแปล - FROM REV. SISTER MARY PALMERSorry for my late response, we just arrive อิกโบ วิธีการพูด


Sorry for my late response, we just arrived here in Senegal and have been trying to set up our tents in the camp in other to start work immediately.
I have been able to make contact with D.H.L concerning the sending of the gift package which contain Toshiba laptops computer, i-phones, AN ENVELOPE, Video Cameras and some jewelries, with photos e.t.c, from your friend Michelle.
D.H.L have Checked the kilo of the parcel and charge $130 for the postage. D.H.L will dispatch the package to your contact address in your country as soon as we give them the money and your address and is much more effective and rapid.

The D.H.L will take 2-3 working days for the gift parcel to reach your home address. I will advice that you send me the postage money immediately so that your package will be dispatch today or tomorrow. I want to tell you that this is my first time to visit Africa and i don't have any bank account to give you now, but i have make an inquiry with our driver here and he told me that the only way you can send money to me is only ECO BANK RAPID TRANSFER, and he have given me his Passport name and passport number. Now all you need to do is to go to ECO BANK and tell them that you want to do Rapid Transfer to Senegal CASH TO CASH.
Below is the Passport name of our driver and his passport number because is the only thing they will request from you in ECO BANK before they can transfer the money.

PASSPORT NUMBER...... E0084657.
Address : 72B Parcel Arsenic,
Country : Senegal .
City    : Dakar
Phone   : +221-773100914

please try to send the money through ECO BANK RAPID TRANSFER with the above given information and send me the scan copy of the transfer slip right? OR you can use WESTERN UNION if you don't have ECO BANK in your Country. The D.H.L officials told me that there is no possibility of sending your gift package without the fee as such services is not available in this Country Senegal. Please try and send me this money immediately so that i can send you the gift soon because we will be visiting some villages from next week. This money is the only thing that is holding me to post the package to you now. OR if you can come down to Senegal to pick it up, it will also be preferable. You can use the below information to transfer the D.H.L fee.
please call me as soon as you send the money and also SCAN the transfer slip and send me a copy.
Thanks & Regards
Rev, Sister Mary Palmer
Sisters of Our Lady For Charity & Poor.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy-spirit Amen.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 4:05 AM, napat pisan wrote:
Hello, I am Joseph's name from Ashley Michelle nice to meet you, Mary Palmer, Michelle asks you about Ashley 
package, gifts to deliver to me. 

Thank you so much God bless
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SITE MKPU. Nwanna nwaanyị MARY Palmer
Ndo n'ihi m mbubreyo nzaghachi, anyị dị rutere ebe a na Senegal na havebeen agbalị abụọ melite anyị n'ụlọikwuu mara ụlọikwuu ha na ndị ọzọ na abụọ na-amalite ọrụ direkt.
enwewo m kunnet Mee na kọntaktị na DHL vedrørende consignment nke onyinye ngwugwu som indeholde Toshiba laptọọpụ kọmputa, i-igwe, otu envelopu, Video ese foto na ụfọdụ jewelries, na photos wdg, si enyi gị Michelle.
DHL ubi nyochara kilo nke ngwugwu na-ana $ 130 maka maka ozi. DHL Vil idunye ngwugwu gị kọntaktị adreesị gị mba ka anya dị ka anyị na-ekwe themself ego na adreesị gị na ọtụtụ ihe ndị ọzọ effectivement na ngwa. The DHL finner 2-3-arụ ọrụ ụbọchị maka onyinye ngwugwu abụọ iru gị adreesị ụlọ. M ga-ntụziaka att ị na-eziga m ụgwọ nzipu ozi ego direkt otú thatyour ngwugwu bliver zigaara taa ma ọ bụ echi. Wanna agwa gị thatthis bụ mbụ m oge gara Africa na m adịghị har nogen akụ akaụntụ na-enye gị ugbu a, ma m nwere na-ase na ụgbọala anyị ebe a na-enye tarifu m att nanị ụzọ ị nwere ike izipu ego m bụ nanị eco Bank ngwa ngwa Nyefee, ọ na-ebe m nyere m ya paspọtụ aha na paspọtụ nọmba. Ma, ihe ị chọrọ ime bụ na-aga abụọ eco Bank na-agwa dem att ị wanna eme Rapid Nyefee na Senegal ego ego. N'okpuru ebe bụ Passport aha ụgbọala anyị na ya paspọtụ ọtụtụ Fordi bụ naanị ihe theywill na-arịọ gị ka ị na na eco Bank tupu ha ike ịnyefe ego. Passport Aha: ...... Kamara FREDRICK Passport Number ...... E0084657. Address: 72B ngwugwu arsenic, Country: Senegal. City: Dakar ekwentị: + 221-773100914 biko gbalịa abụọ zite ego site eco Bank ngwa ngwa Nyefee na n'elu nyere ọmụma na-eziga m Doppler oyiri nke nyefe ileghara ziri ezi? Ma ọ bụ i nwere ike iji n'ebe ọdịda anyanwụ Union ọ bụrụ na ị na-adịghị eco ụlọ akụ dị na gị Country. The DHL ọchịchị ọrụ m att e nweghị mulighed eziga onyinye gị ngwugwu na-enweghị ego dị ka ndị dị otú ahụ na ọrụ bụ adịghị na a Country Senegal. Biko gbalịa na-eziga m ego a direkt Nne m ike izipu ị onyinye n'oge na-adịghị Fordi anyị ga na-eleta ụfọdụ obodo nta si na-esonụ n'izu. Ego a bụ nanị thingthat na-ejide m ka m zite ngwugwu gị ugbu a. Ma ọ bụrụ na i nwere ike gbadata Senegal abụọ bulie ya elu, ọ ga-också mma. Ị nwere ike iji n'okpuru ọmụma abụọ nyefe na DHL ego. biko akpọ m ka anya dị ka ị na-eziga ego samt iṅomi nyefe ileghara na-eziga m otu. Ekele & Banyekwara Mkpu Sister Mary Palmer ụmụnna nwanyị ndị anyị Lady N'ihi Charity & Ogbenye . m na-agọzi gị n'aha nke Nna, Ọkpara, na Nsọ-spirit Amen. On Tus, April 1, 2014 na-4:05 AM, Napat Pisan dere, sị: Ndewo, m Josef aha Ashley Michelle mma izute gị Mary Palmer, Michelle jụrụ gị banyere Ashley  ngwugwu, onyinye abụọ anapụta m.  ekele gị nke ukwuu Chineke na-agọzi

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